815, boulevard Saint-Laurent - Cafétéria du rez-de-chaussée
EAT BREAKFAST AND EXPLORE OPPORTUNITIES TO COLLABORATE February 21: 2nd Annual Community Breakfast for VO Start your day with inspiration and connection at Volunteer Ottawa's…
A newly designed SCALE program is being launched this Winter. Register now to get new content and resources! The SCALE Program aims to empower caregivers…
The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Details Participants will explore what’s involved (practically, emotionally, and financially) in continuing to live independently with services and supports. This will include an overview of…
Kelly Funeral Homes - Barrhaven Chapel
3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
+1 more
ArborCare Community Grief Support Program Featuring Dr. Bill Webster's "When Life Changes" Register for our FREE 6-week Support Program and discover how understanding the grieving…
Kelly Funeral Homes - Barrhaven Chapel
3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
ArborCare Community Grief Support Program Featuring Dr. Bill Webster's "When Life Changes" Register for our FREE 6-week Support Program and discover how understanding the grieving…
The Ottawa PC Users' Group will be hosting their weekly Q&A session through video-conference. This open forum helps fulfill our motto "Users helping users". Everyone…
St Mark's Anglican Church
1606 Fisher Avenue, Ottawa
Coffee, Company and Conversation is a community outreach program for older adults which began in September 2018 at St. Mark's Anglican Church at 1606 Fisher…
Providing good nutrition as caregivers can be a significant challenge. Balancing your own dietary needs with those of the person you are caring for can…
Le programme ANCRÉ a pour but de vous outiller sur l’aidance naturelle, votre propre santé mentale et votre bien-être. Vous recevrez des stratégies, des outils…
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
40 Ruskin Street, Ottawa
Details Join us for an evening of plain-language research presentations. You will learn more about the impact of cardiac rehabilitation research related to physical activity,…
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
40 Ruskin Street, Ottawa
English Follows Informer, c’est soigner Détails Les patient(e)s, les familles, les proches aidant(e)s et les partenaires communautaires sont invités à explorer les résultats de la…
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
40 Ruskin Street, Ottawa
Le français suit. Details Patients, their families and caregivers, and community partners are invited to learn about cardiac rehabilitation research outputs related to physical activity,…