The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577

Volunteer Opportunities – Smart Aging Workshop Facilitators

Do you have a passion for teaching, tutoring and/or public speaking?

If so, the COA invites you to consider this great opportunity to inspire older adults and make a real difference in their lives. We are currently looking for Workshop Facilitators to join our Smart Aging team.

Workshop Facilitators must have an interest in and ability to engage with an audience in an empathetic way. Smart Aging workshops are meant to help older adults anticipate and prepare for certain life transitions therefore can be sensitive in nature. Workshop topics vary from social connectedness to exploring housing options, embracing a healthier lifestyle to addressing common financial concerns.  A full list of topics is available.

The Workshop Facilitator is there to present subject material, give participants some direction and walk them through a journey of self-reflection. Facilitators are not expected to be experts on the subjects they will be presenting. They must, however, be open to helping people interpret their current lives and anticipate future needs.


  • Workshops take place either over Zoom or in-person. We will provide training to applicants who aren’t comfortable with that technology.
  • All Volunteer Facilitators will be invited to participate in a Facilitator training session/Meet & Greet.
  • Workshop presentations and materials have already been created. Scripts and materials would be provided to you during the orientation session.
  • Facilitators will communicate with the Smart Aging Course Director and the COA Director of Education to work out any necessary details of their presentation(s).


  • lead anywhere from one 2-hour workshop a month to two 2-hour workshops per week based on your interest and availability.
  • familiarize yourself with the topic and provided workshop materials sufficiently to be able to grasp the purpose of each workshop, the objectives of each activity, and present to a group using the presenter notes only as a reference – however, facilitators do not have to be content experts to lead any of the workshops.
  • create an energetic, professional, safe, and fun environment during the programs and provide encouragement and constructive feedback to participants.
  • direct participants to the resources listed in the course materials and to consult with professionals, if need be – facilitators are not expected to answer any detailed questions beyond the course materials.

If you are interested in this opportunity, click here to apply.