The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577

Bob Baldwin, Chair, Income Security

Bob BaldwinBob Baldwin is an Ottawa based consultant who has worked on pension issues for more than 30 years. He worked for the Canadian Labour Congress for all but three years from 1976 to 2005 – the last 10 as the Director of Social and Economic Policy.

Baldwin was a member of the expert panel that advised the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions and he prepared a research report for the Government of Ontario on the retirement income prospects of Canadians as part of the federal, provincial and territorial dialogue among Ministers of Finance on this issue.

Baldwin is a Director of Addenda Capital and Tradex Management Incorporated, he chairs the Board of Trustees of the Canada Wide Industrial Pension Plan, he is an advisor to the National Pension Hub of the Global Risk Institute, he is Chair of the C.D. Howe Institute’s Pension Policy Council and has been a member of the Expert Panel on Income Security of the Ottawa Council on Aging for many years.