The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577

Ottawa NORC Finder: Where older adults (65+) are living in Ottawa

What is a NORC?

A NORC is the short form for a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. A NORC is simply a geographic designation for an area such as a rental/condo building or neighbourhood block, that houses a high density (variably defined as 30-60%) of older adults. NORCs have become home to many seniors for a variety of reasons, including greater ease of mobility, not wanting or able to maintain a single-family home, economic pressures, or a desire to be closer to amenities. For more information, see the COA’s fact sheet, NORC-SSPs: An Innovative Supportive Housing Model for Older Adults.

What is the Ottawa NORC Finder?

Ottawa NORC Finder website screenshotThe Council on Aging of Ottawa (COA) has partnered with Ottawa Neighbourhood Solutions (ONS) to create an interactive map that identifies Ottawa NORCs where a higher proportion of older adults (65+) live in Ottawa. These include apartments, co-ops, condos, and seniors housing as well as neighbourhood blocks.  If you hover with your cursor over a particular site, it will identify the address, type of building, and percentage of older adults who reside in the NORC.


Why the Ottawa NORC Finder?

The COA wants every person in Ottawa to be able to age in their community with access to the supports and services they need.

We believe this map will be of use to organizations wanting to provide services to older adults, researchers, and older adults themselves wanting information about specific buildings and neighbourhoods.

If you have questions, please contact us at

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