The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577

Grace Welch, Co-Chair, Age-Friendly Housing Committee (2023-2025)

Grace Welch retired in 2007 from the University of Ottawa where she held positions as the Associate University Librarian, Map Librarian, and Head of Systems. She also worked at the National Library of Canada. She was active in the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives for over 25 years holding positions as President, Vice President, and Treasurer. She served as Vice-Chair of the Ontario Geographic Names Board between 2007-2017 and served for six years on the Geographic Names Board of Canada. Since 2010, she has been involved with the Champlain Region Family Council Network which helps support family councils in long-term care and advocates for improvements in quality of life and care for residents. She was a member of the Advisory Panel to the 2020 Ministry of Long-Term Care Staffing Study. She is a member of several patient advisory committees looking at the health and well-being of older adults including starting with the COA in 2013 with the Events and Education, Health Issues, and Housing Committees.