About Smart Aging

Many older adults make significant life decisions in crisis moments. When this happens to you or your family, you often don’t have adequate tools, resources and information to make the best decisions for you, or your loved ones.
The Smart Aging Program is a series of workshops covering key topics facing older adults today. Each workshop is designed to provide older adults with the information they need, before they need it, so that they and their loved ones are prepared to make informed decisions. Smart Aging’s various workshops provide people with an opportunity to discuss important issues with others, reflect on their own personal circumstances and decide on actions they want to take to reach their desired outcomes.
Workshops include:
- facilitated learning time
- participant interaction through activity-based learning
- shared accountability with partners or small groups
- opportunities to expand one’s knowledge and understanding
- opportunities to enjoy participation, and connect with others
- opportunities to contribute to, and learn from the lived experience of others in the program, in a safe and supportive environment
Workbooks are provided for all participants. Links are provided for all resources on our website.
The Program and workshops are offered throughout the year in multiple locations, in both official languages, and through various platforms including in-person, online via Zoom and by telephone, thereby bringing education into the community through the collaboration and support of numerous community partners.

“If you think you know everything about the process of aging and all its complications – you don’t. The Smart Aging Program is a great way to find out what you don’t know – and where and how to find it!”

“The Smart Aging Program has something for everyone! It is an opportunity to engage with aging through increased knowledge and awareness. I hope the Council on Aging is able to provide the program on an ongoing basis.”

“Our current experience of the COVID-19 confinement is teaching us new things about ourselves, and about adapting to drastic changes. This pandemic will surely affect the future content of this program, as it is giving all of us an opportunity to think and to be better prepared for our next major life changes.”

“This program helped me to learn what resources are available to help seniors. I’m happy with that.

“I enjoyed this course so much that I would take it again. There is so much thought-provoking information to absorb and then work on at your own speed at any time. Each session includes a wonderful resource manual which can be worked on independently of the other topics. I loved meeting new people and sharing our stories and our progress. Loved it.”

“This course is amazing to spark awareness of unaddressed business for seniors. The opportunity to connect, learn and share with the group is invaluable. So much appreciated!”

“The Smart Aging Program for me provided information on what I need to do to control my aging process, so I recommend it to every senior.”

“This course was mind-blowing! We trot along through life often without considering a number of aspects of living as a senior that the course opened up for us. A high-quality experience.“

“Found the program very helpful in offering additional information & insights on how to deal to deal with aging challenges.”

“The Smart Aging Program was an eye-opener. It helped motivate me to organize my life and provided information I can share with other seniors. It covered everything from wills and power of attorney to reverse mortgages, health, and friendships. I would recommend it to all seniors who want a better understanding of how to prepare for aging. Extremely worthwhile.”

“This course was an opportunity to be social, to be able to develop my views on life issues, to share things that I would not otherwise feel safe to share.”

“This program helped me consider and prepare for many tasks that are a part of the process of aging. In my busy life I knew I ought to face these tasks, yet I avoided them. This course has helped me begin this necessary preparation. It was a very fine public offering and should be offered regularly.”

“After going through the entire program, I would encourage future participants to be open to reveal a little about themselves and not hesitate to share their personal situations; the program will be most enriching for them.”

“Meeting other people or couples who have the same concerns as ourselves helps us to feel less alone in the face of the concerns of aging.”

“Even if these are things that we know, it feels good to be reminded of them.”

“The program was very well organized and comprehensive.”

“Thank you for offering this program. I really benefited from everything I learned. A unique opportunity to learn how to age well and more. Thank you for offering it in French!”

“I really liked the atmosphere in these meetings and the presentations were very well explained. Thank you very much. It was an excellent and very informative experience.”

“Really, this program is very suitable for preparing seniors of all ages for their life as a retired person and/or with a slight loss of autonomy. The wide range of topics covered really takes into account the information desired and required by seniors. Finding answers is reassuring and much appreciated for future planning. Thank you from the heart for this tremendous program that you have provided with such helpful documentation.”

“This program allowed me to face the present and future challenges of aging and start taking steps to make it easier for me to experience them. Group sharing was appreciated and being together with the same people every week allowed for more openness and continuity. I very much appreciated all the resources made available to us.”
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