The Council on Aging of Ottawa
Details The overall objective of the Smart Aging course is to better equip individuals to navigate life transitions in senior years. Each week, participants will…
Détails L'objectif du programme Vieillir allumé est de mieux équiper les individus afin qu'ils puissent mieux naviguer les transitions de vie en vieillissant. Chaque semaine,…
A newly designed SCALE program is being launched this Winter. Register now to get new content and resources! The SCALE Program aims to empower caregivers…
The Ottawa PC Users' Group will be hosting their monthly general meeting through video-conference. The topic for Wednesday, February 12th is "How to buy a…
Coffee, Company and Conversation is a community outreach program for older adults which began in September 2018 at St. Mark's Anglican Church at 1606 Fisher…
Le programme ANCRÉ a pour but de vous outiller sur l’aidance naturelle, votre propre santé mentale et votre bien-être. Vous recevrez des stratégies, des outils…