2017 Recipient

Kathy has a long list of community organizations and committees where she has been actively engaged as a volunteer. Since she retired they include:
• Twenty-three years as President of the Copeland Park Community Alliance (CPCA), ending in 2011. This alliance was formed in response to development in the Copeland Park Community. The CPCA and the Council on Aging recently worked together to highlight areas that needed improvement to ensure the “Senior Friendliness” of Baseline Rapid Transit.
• Past- President of Unitarian Church and presently chair of the Personnel committee at the church. She is also a Governor on the Board of Unitarian House and chairs their Fundraising Committee. Unitarian House is an organization with a long-standing reputation in the Ottawa area, and beyond, for quality seniors’ living.
• Vice-President and Fundraising Chair for Victoria Quilts Canada. Victoria Quilts Canada volunteers provide hand-made quilts for people living with cancer across Canada.
• Member of the May Court Club of Ottawa and presently the chair of the “Munch and Learn Program” that provides food for after-four programs in 6 Community Houses in Ottawa. Under their School Literacy program they provide volunteers for the school boards In Ottawa to read to students in the kindergarten programs. They also host fundraising projects for this program. This year they are hosting a “High Tea” in September.
• Also has been responsible for one of the “Homes for the Holidays” tours in November to raise money for Hospice Care Ottawa.
Kathy has always played a key role in connecting people, committees and organizations with similar aspirations of improving the community for seniors and, as a result, all members of the community.
Kathy’s experience and dedication have benefited the Council on Aging of Ottawa in numerous ways. She started on the Board of the COA in 2006 and served as President from 2011 to 2013. From 2008 to 2016, she served as the Chair of the COA’s Resources and Development Committee, which is responsible for many fundraising successes. One excellent example is the Art Gala held at the Irish Embassy, which in its first year brought in over $27,000 from paintings donated by Kathy’s husband Keith Yach and his good friend Eric Martin and in two subsequent years brought in close to $20,000 more. In her role as past president, Kathy has recruited many members that now sit on the COA Board. Kathy simply seems to know everyone in the city and has very persuasive powers in soliciting their support on anything she does. We would not be the excellent organization we are today without Kathy’s contributions.
Most of all, she was generous in sharing her wisdom and experience. For those who know her well, you listened carefully when Kathy started by saying, “Let me tell you a little story.” She was about to share a pearl of wisdom. We hope to continue to receive many more pearls of wisdom in the future. Thank you Kathy for everything!