The Council on Aging of Ottawa

A group of older adults attending listening to talks in a seminar
A group of older adults exercising together

Workshop 3 – Taking Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

Identify your concerns about your health as you age and consider your own expectations and motivational tendencies in approaching these concerns.


In this session, you will:

  • identify fears you have about your health as you are aging
  • select one area of your health needing change and one action to address this
  • determine ways to stay motivated
  • contemplate two futures and make a choice

Jeopardy Health Quiz


2-1-1 Community Information Centre of Ottawa
Connects people to the right information and services, helping people to find the right health, community, and social services. Call 211 or use the contact information
Dial 2-1-1
Toll-Free: 1-877-761-9076
TTY: 1-888-340-1001

3-1-1 City of Ottawa
Older Adult Leisure Guide
Provides information and services for adults 50+, such as recreation and leisure programs, financial resources, housing, or health and support services

Ottawa Public Health Information Centre (OPHIC)
Offers free confidential information and advice on a variety of health topics

310-2222 Champlain Local Health Integration Network
The provides accurate and up-to-date information about health and community services to help consumers find the services they need close to home.

Members of your healthcare team
Great people to ask to provide you with information and resources on maintaining or improving your health. The Canadian Patient Safety Institute offers “Tips and Tools for Talking to Your Healthcare Team.”
Information can be found at:

The Internet
Provides a wealth of health information, some of it very informative and up-to-date while other information may not be as reliable. “Evaluation of Health Information on the Web” is published by Dalhousie University and can be found at the link to the right. This will assist you in finding reliable information.

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Your source for healthy aging information that you can trust

Health Link BC
You can trust the information provided by government-sponsored sites. Health Link BC provides a list of information and resources on a wide range of health topics.

Specific Organizations
National organizations often have resources for people that are specific to that experience or health issue. (e.g. Heart & Stroke Foundation; Diabetes Canada)

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
Personality types based on motivation: how do you make yourself do what you want to do?
Take The Four Tendencies free quiz online:

Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Buy a SAD Lamp
Distilled Non-Alcoholic Spirits
SeedLip can solve the dilemma: what to drink when you’re not drinking. Based on the distilled remedies from The Art of Distillation (1651). Sugar and sweetener-free, 0 calories. Mix with tonic/soda

Odawa Native Friendship Centre
613-722 3811
Offers various programs and services to Indigenous people of all ages. PROGRAMS: for children, lifelong care, healthy living, community justice, and recreation. Can also help connect you to other useful resources and programs.

Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
Creates and delivers services to prevent ill health, treat illness and provide support and aftercare. PROGRAMS: Clinic (holistic health), healthy living, housing support, workshops & recreation.

This information was correct at the time of producing. It may change without notice.

Call 2-1-1 for up-to-date information.