The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577
An older adult using a tablet reading news
Tapping into Ottawa’s older consumer market: Worth $12.6B a year and growing!
Download the Capital Aging Special Report 2018 to: Discover how to market to and serve older consumers better Know how Ottawa’s rapidly growing, changing, and aging population will impact your business Understand...
2018 Capital Aging Special Report
For the first time in Canada, there are more persons aged 65 and over than children under the age of 15. The aging of the population presents both opportunities and challenges here in Ottawa and around...
2018 Rapport Spécial Entreprise amie des aînés
Pour la première fois au Canada, davantage de personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus que d’enfants de moins de 15 ans. Le vieillissement de la population présente à la fois des possibilités et des défis ici...
Driving Tip of the Month #1 Blind Spots
Make sure to check your mirrors and blind spots frequently, especially before changing lanes or turning – a motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian are small enough to be entirely hidden within your blind spot. This...
COA 2018 Provincial Election Priorities Guide
Are you ready for the provincial election? The provincial election will take place on June 7, 2018. To help you be informed and engaged, The Council on Aging of Ottawa (COA) has produced the 2018 Provincial...
le Canada a besoin dans sa Stratégie nationale sur le logement du Canada, d’une composante axée précisément sur les aînés
Comité du logement ami des aînés – Nos observations au sujet de la Stratégie nationale sur le logement du Canada – SCHL Nous estimons, que le Canada a besoin dans sa stratégie, d’une composante axée...
Age-Friendly Housing Committee – Response on the National Housing Strategy
We think that Canada needs a specific seniors’ housing strategy, which would include measures to: Increase the number of new seniors’ units to match seniors demographic place in Canadian society. This...
Annual Report 2017
The Annual Reports reflect the COA’s history of working to improve the lives of Ottawa seniors. Download
Annual Report 2016
The Annual Reports reflect the COA’s history of working to improve the lives of Ottawa seniors. Download
Annual Report 2015
The Annual Reports reflect the COA’s history of working to improve the lives of Ottawa seniors. Download
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