The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Details The overall objective of the Smart Aging course is to better equip individuals to navigate life transitions in senior years. Each week, participants will…
The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Détails L'objectif du programme Vieillir allumé est de mieux équiper les individus afin qu'ils puissent mieux naviguer les transitions de vie en vieillissant. Chaque semaine,…
The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Details Participants will explore what’s involved (practically, emotionally, and financially) in continuing to live independently with services and supports. This will include an overview of…
The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Details Participants will determine how to prepare for, navigate through, and return home from both a planned and unplanned hospital admission. Discussion will include powers…
The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235
217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
The 55 Alive course is designed to help you… Gain more confidence behind the wheel Improve your awareness of traffic hazards Update yourself on traffic…