The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577
Volunteer Opportunities


With over 150 volunteers supported by 6 part-time staff, volunteers are the very foundation of the Council on Aging! They are essential to sustain the COA’s leadership role through various initiatives, activities, and events. Volunteering at the COA offers opportunities to meet fellow peers, expand your network, make a contribution, and both utilize and gain valuable skills and experience. Volunteer opportunities are updated regularly to reflect our current needs. 

Board Members

If you’re looking to make a difference at a Board level, The Council on Aging of Ottawa is looking for new Board members. Interested in advocacy work on behalf of older adults in Ottawa? Or providing information and education for older adults on life transitions? Or perhaps you’re interested in leading fundraising initiatives? Our Board members provide leadership and support to staff and our many volunteers who work together to make Ottawa an increasingly Age-Friendly city.

Committee Chairs and Working Group Leads

Committee Chairs and Working Group Leads provide leadership and direction to their specific committee to achieve its work. They work closely with and are supported by committee members, staff, the Board, and others in the community. They are knowledgeable regarding the issues that their committee represents.

Action Committee Members

Committee Members play an active and engaged role on their committee, contributing relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise and carrying out specific activities aimed at determining and furthering the priorities of their committee.