Brian Tardif’s career experience in community service organizations, spanning 42 years, has been broad and exceptionally varied. Over the years, he has developed superior skills in the areas of leadership, financial and human resources management, administration, governance, fund-raising, communicating, negotiating, networking and facilitating. Committed to excellence, he has embraced change and worked closely with Boards of Directors to effectively manage the operations of high caliber community service organizations. In addition, Brian has done consultancy work for over 25 local, national and international community service organizations. He is the recipient of numerous awards of recognition. As alumni of Carleton University, Brian holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work. His is also an alumnus of St. Mary’s and Dalhousie Universities in Halifax. Retired after 33 years as Executive Director of Citizen Advocacy Ottawa, he continues to provide consultancy work and is currently a volunteer with Compassionate Ottawa.