The Council on Aging of Ottawa

Parce que son coeur compte aussi

815, boulevard Saint-Laurent - Cafétéria du rez-de-chaussée

Venez nous rejoindre pour célébrer la Journée internationale de la femme Le mercredi 6 mars | 13 h à 15 h  

Ottawa PC Users’ Group Q & A session


The Ottawa PC Users' Group will be hosting their weekly Q&A session through video-conference. This open forum helps fulfill our motto "Users helping users". Everyone…

Research Study – Science, Spirituality and Health


Researchers at Carleton University are collaborating to conduct a study exploring the role that religious and/or spiritual beliefs may play in shaping relationships to science…

Embracing Change: Your Accessible Future Awaits

Eventbright MT, Canada

Join us for an insightful exploration into creating homes that are inclusive and accessible for all. In this session, experts will delve into practical solutions,…

Ottawa PC Users’ Group Q&A session


The Ottawa PC Users' Group will be hosting their weekly Q&A session through video-conference. This open forum helps fulfill our motto "Users helping users". Everyone…