The Council on Aging of Ottawa

Consumer Information on Funeral Planning in Ontario

zoom register , Canada

Bereaved families who are unprepared for funeral planning can be pressured into buying unnecessary or expensive products and services.  Whether you are an executor or…

Open House

The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235 217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa

Join us at our new office at 815 St. Laurent Blvd (former Rideu High School) in the Main Floor Cafeteria. Mix & Mingle Giveaways Win…

Portes ouvertes

Council on Aging - Cafeteria 815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa

Le mercredi 14 février de 13 h à 15 h Rencontrez et fraternisez Recevez des faveurs Gagnez des prix Venez avec un.e ami.e Portes ouvertes…

The Waltz Weekday Matinee

Great Canadian Theatre Company 1233 Wellington St. W, Ottawa

Join us for an afternoon of theatre at the Great Canadian Theatre Company. When: Wednesday, Feb. 21 at noon (performance is 70 minutes followed by…

Ottawa PC Users’ Group Q&A session


The Ottawa PC Users' Group will be hosting their weekly Q&A session through video-conference. This open forum helps fulfill our motto "Users helping users". Everyone…

Journée de sensibilisation aux maladies valvulaires cardiaque

Institut de cardiologie de l'universite d'Ottawa 40 Ruskin Street, Ottawa, Canada

Apprenez-en plus sur l’impact des maladies valvulaires et les actions prises par l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa (ICUO) pour combattre cette épidémie qui s’annonce.…