The Council on Aging of Ottawa
Date: Wendesday May 8, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM- 3:00 PM
Location: Rideau Hub, 815 St. Laurent Blvd., Room 235.
Cost: $5 for members of the COA; $10 for non-members
* Complimentary spaces are available for those who find the cost prohibitive and would not be able to attend otherwise. Many thanks to our wonderful donors.
Participants will increase their knowledge related to mental wellness and resiliency as they age. Useful tools and ideas will be shared to help create tangible and concrete plans to support mental wellness.
Registration: Please click on the following link to register: Nurturing Resiliency and Mental Wellness Registration
NOTE: The workshop will be held in our new classroom down the hall from our office! The workshop will be held in Room 235.