The Council on Aging of Ottawa

Smart Aging – Understanding the Recipe for Healthy Aging​

The Council on Aging of Ottawa - Room 235 217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa

Details Participants will learn about changing dietary needs and eating habits as we age, reflect on their own eating habits, needs and challenges, discuss heathy…

Vieillir allumé – Comprendre les éléments d’une alimentation saine

Conseil sur le vieillisement d'Ottawa - Salle 235 815 boul. Saint-Laurent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Détails Les participants apprendront comment modifier les besoins nutritionnels et les habitudes alimentaires en vieillissant. Ils réfléchiront également à leurs propres habitudes alimentaires, à leurs…

Death Inevitable, Legacy Optional

Join Barry Gordon for a thoughtful and practical discussion about estate and legacy planning when time is limited. This webinar explores how traditional estate planning…