The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577
An older person taking in a public bus


The Ottawa Seniors Transportation Committee (OSTC) works to:


the transportation options for older adults and persons with disabilities in urban, suburban and rural Ottawa


education about transportation challenges and options for older adults and persons with disabilities





community groups to audit neighbourhood walkability and pedestrian safety

gaps in Rural Transportation

for changes in OC/Para Transpo services that support older adults and persons with disabilities


Liaise with



the safety of older drivers

university researchers at uOttawa and Carleton University

the Gotta Go Campaign to ensure access to washrooms in public spaces

older adults with information about transportation options

Current Highlights

Reminders for Older Drivers

Snow Moles 2024

SNOW MOLES are volunteers who report on what it is like to walk outside on a winter day. You are...

Transportation Committee – Volunteer Community Member

Are you interested in older adults and transportation issues? Do you like to learn about new and...

Janet Luloff, Co-Chair, Transportation Committee

Janet is retired after over 35 years of management and consulting work in the transportation sector...


Banner promoting winter walking

Tips for Winter Walking

There is nothing like taking a walk to enjoy the beauty of the season – and walking is one of the best ways to keep healthy. On the other hand, winter can be a challenging time of year to get out an about. Here are some tips for safer walking outdoors in winter.


Pedestrian Safety and Walkability

– audits in areas within the city and advocates for changes to make walking safer for seniors and people with disabilities or mobility issues.

Older Drivers

– provides information about safe driving for seniors through brochures, information sessions and education.

Rural Transportation

– identifies innovative approaches to respond to rural seniors’ transportation needs.

Committee Membership

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