The Council on Aging of Ottawa | (613) 789-3577 | (613) 789-3577
An older person taking in a public bus

Transportation News

Snow Moles 2024
SNOW MOLES are volunteers who report on what it is like to walk outside on a winter day. You are invited to ensure healthy, accessible, and safe winter walking conditions in Ottawa, by becoming a SNOW...
Transportation Committee – Volunteer Community Member
Are you interested in older adults and transportation issues? Do you like to learn about new and emerging transportation-related issues, read news articles, and surf the internet? Are you ready to be an...
Janet Luloff, Co-Chair, Transportation Committee
Janet is retired after over 35 years of management and consulting work in the transportation sector. She started her career at Transport Canada in airport operations and among other positions she was Special...
Snow Mole Report 2023: Really, How Safe is Winter Walking in Ottawa?
Why Snow Moles? Winter brings safety and accessibility issues related to snow, ice, and infrastructure challenges. Therefore, our top priority is pedestrian safety and accessibility, especially for older...
COA Disappointed Winter Maintenance Quality Standards not in the 2023 Budget
Dear Mayor Sutcliffe, The members of the Council on Aging of Ottawa’s Pedestrian Safety and Walkability Sub-Committee were very disappointed to learn at their recent meeting that the updated Winter Maintenance...
Snow Moles on Patrol: Age-Friendly Volunteers Root Out Winter Walking Problems
By Peggy Edwards, The Council on Aging of OttawaFirst published in the Fifty-Five Plus Magazine, January/February 2023   There is nothing like taking a walk to enjoy the beauty of the season. Walking...
Ken Holmes, Chair, Rural Transportation Sub-committee
Ken lives near Fitzroy Harbour in West Carleton ward. He retired in 1992 after a 30-year career in the Canadian Forces as a senior Military Engineering officer who served in command and staff appointments...
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