Aligning its work with the strategic directions of the Council on Aging of Ottawa (COA), the Health Issues Committee works with and for older adults to improve their quality of life by influencing public policy, program decisions and practices related to health and health care.
the board of COA on issues, policies, opportunities and direction regarding health and health care that affect older adults in the Ottawa region.
Engage and consult
with older adults as required regarding their health and health care concerns.
with system partners to identify, prioritize, study, develop and implement strategies to address health care issues affecting older adults.
with other COA committees to address learning needs and to develop and implement strategies related to health and health care.
implement and monitor the committee annual workplan aligned with COA strategic directions.
ad hoc workgroups as relevant for addressing specific issues.
Long-Term Care Working Group
Health Literacy Working Group
The committee will consist of 12 to 15 members. The committee will endeavour to include:
Older adults
who have experience (personal and/or professional or as caregiver) and interest in health and health care issues.
from the various sectors of the health care continuum, namely: primary care; home care; community support; public health; mental health; palliative/hospice care; hospital – acute and non-acute; specialized services for older adults; long term care; retirement home and domiciliary.
with other knowledge and expertise such as public policy, academia, communication, administration and advocacy.
representative of our diverse community, including francophone, indigenous, ethno-cultural and LGBTQ
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